A great presentation of the same old – This War of Mine Review

After reading a few reviews you may feel this is the greatest experience you have yet to witness on mobile.... I didn’t see that and I definitely wanted to but it just felt like a really high-quality but basic survival game. Matrix rules, the things you need to survive are not all based in actual reality but in the reality of the game and therefore and like many other games you find yourself mastering the game not the situation the game is trying to present or put you in. Case in point you need more than you would actually need to start a fire and say cook a hotdog. Like other survival games the materials you need to do basic task are ridiculous but I’m not hating that that’s basically level design. These heartbreaking moments your said to face well maybe I didn’t play long enough because they were far few and almost nonexistent. I do remember having to steal from a family who clearly had children and feeling conflicted about it but the rest of the game is so tedious and boring I quickly forgot about it. I like that games try to tackle real world issues but let’s not forget they are still games and if they’re not fun I don’t care what else they do well. Just my opinion though
Review by Aye Q on This War of Mine.

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