Three stars out of five stars – Small Snake Blocks War Review

I think that this game should get three out of five stars because well once you get the hang of it it is kind of easy but in time mode it gets harder because it does like 6×2 or 6×10 But when you actually do it at 6×10 it just gives you six not 60 and what it is six times to it gives you 12 and that is really confusing because what is giving you the exact number and what is it so I don’t really like the time mode And that is why one stars off this is why the other Star is Off say I have 60 Little Circles and all of the numbers are 25 and 36 and 30 and 29 and 47 and 53 all that I am saying is for me the numbers are just too high is that you are you have left us like 10 or 20 and then the numbers get a little bit larger and then they go smaller and larger and it’s just crazy
Review by livial139 on Small Snake Blocks War.

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