Well worth it (downgraded from 5 stars until developer responds to users concerns. – Acupuncture Points Quiz Review

Simple and easy to use. Use other apps if you want to for studying, then come back to this one to test yourself. Also good for reviewing when you're waiting for a bus or an appt. How about an app like this for microacupuncture, eg scalp, hand, face auricular etc. 3 Oct 2010 Developer, Have you abandoned us? Are you listening to your user family? Please provide some updates. For example, besides correcting the inaccuracies that others have mentioned, can you add a feature that keeps track of the user's score or that keeps track of the number of right and wrong answers for each meridian? This would make it much more useful for students. I like it anyway, but would love it if you gave it these updates. BTW, I've used in on my iPod Touch, my iPad, and now on my iPhone 4. It's a nice little app. But please don't abandon your family of users. We are the ones who will keep buying your apps if we feel like you're listening to us.
Review by Bluemoonmuse on Acupuncture Points Quiz.

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