Ugghhhh – iHome AVS Review

My old modem broke so I set up a new one with an entirely new name and password. I knew I’d have to reconnect my AVS16, so I went into the app, verified that it ONLY had the new info and got started. And, for the record, my WiFi names went from being a Firefly reference to a Monty Python reference, so there was absolutely no chance of confusion. New network and password verified and the device still wouldn’t connect. We tried for two hours and factory reset it twice. Nothing. So, I called customer service the next morning and got treated like an idiot baby. She kept asking me to verify that I wasn’t connected to my old network and wouldn’t listen when I tried to explain that the network literally doesn’t exist. I got so frustrated and tired of being belittled - including me trying to answer a question and her responding “I know what the app page says so you don’t need to tell me” - I just hung up on her. I loved this product but now I’m wishing I hadn’t wasted my money.
Review by GamerMom223 on iHome AVS.

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