Native app inferior to mobile web – TechCrunch Review

The native iOS app is simply a complete downgrade from the mobile web experience. The most glaring flaw is the fact that on the app, there are no images or videos in the articles. This is incredibly frustrating when you read an article with the with the title “watch this _video tour_ of...” and the article neither contains a video or even the courtesy of a direct link to the web client so I can watch the video. I love the content and the writing, but this app really falls short of expectations and honestly, I can get all the tech crunch articles I want from Google News, and their mobile app renders web versions so I can actually see the videos when I read. It just feels like the native app is an afterthought and something tech crunch is doing out of perceived obligation rather than a genuine attempt at creating a usable platform. Please fix this TC, I can’t think of any other media app that strips all visual media from its content. When the mobile web client is better than the native app, something is really wrong.
Review by fjalkdj on TechCrunch.

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