Absolutely worth buying – Majesty: Fantasy Kingdom Sim Review

When I was younger, I played Majesty on computer obsessively. I saw that this game had been ported to the iOS I had to give it a shot. After beating the entire game on brutal, without spending a dime, here is my review. The Good: Majesty plays very similarly to the original version. The levels are fairly unique, and you do not need money to beat the game even on the hardest difficulties. After spending close to 30 hours beating the campaign, there is lots of replay-ability in skirmish mode. The Bad: I couldnt really think of anything except one issue I encountered with balance. While not game-breaking, there are some issues, especially with ranged units. Elves and Rangers are almost completely useless, especially on the brutal difficulty. Monster’s dodge should be nerfed and ranger/elf damage should be increases. Other thoughts: It should also be mentioned that when you construct multiple buildings, it slows down the build time of all structures. Not a problem, but new players may not know this. Overall: I absolutely loved playing through the campaign. It was very challenging, but fair. I look forward to many more hours spent replaying the campaign and messing around in skirmish mode.
Review by DaBahamaLlama on Majesty: Fantasy Kingdom Sim.

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