Used to love, now it's... – Pinterest Review

Pinterest used to be where I found and stored ideas for my writing and anything else that struck my fancy. Now, it's so convoluted and a process to find pins I like. First of all, where did the like button go?! That was such a good feature, and one almost every other app or website has. My real, most pressing complaint, would be about the ads. ADS FOR DAYS, I would attach a picture of my feed if I could-- LITERALLY ONE AD EVERY THREE PICTURES! Pinterest is free!! I hate the fact that now, I feel like I'm being begged for money all the time. I don't want to be sold anything, I want to look at my pins and my inspiration without being interrupted by an ad for "the purple mattress". Pinterest, you're making me not enjoy the app anymore. I want to be inspired, not sold to. I used to love this app. Now, it's a pain. Also, I get all the updates, but seriously-- give us an update that leaves at least a few people happy. To make it worse, I am extremely creeped out by how “into” my data Pinterest is. I looked up a recipe for a soup on my browser the other day and now suddenly half my pins are about that soup recipe. If I only OPEN a single random suggested pin (without pinning or following the link), suddenly all my new pins are about that suggested pin or related to it!!! Let me look at what I want to look at, what I choose to follow, not what you think I want to see by snooping off of my browser searches!
Review by Temnyy13 on Pinterest.

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