Recommended? Heck No. – Map of Life Review

Where the heck are moose, grizzly bear, wolf, and caribou from Denali national park’s map? Where the heck are ANY mammals from the recommended map? Why does the app crash when I send a bug report? Why is this a recommended app if it doesn’t have basic nature guide essentials like this? Pass on this. I downloaded the app hoping for something to help log sightings while out, but this app’s functionality offline is horrendous. The references it uses aren’t bad, which is why it gets more than 1 star but there is so much missing info. So I saw several grizzly bear on my trip into the park today, but I didn’t get cell service until after I got back to the station. No big deal, let me search for the animal. Oh there it is, but wait; near me? No it was 15 miles in, but wait, it’s centered on me now? Let me move the pin, oh wait I can’t move the pin. What rather I bought a field guide book than use this app.
Review by Loogy Head on Map of Life.

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