Odd – AITSO - Talking AI Chatbot Review

So the thing does refer to someone called “My” and when I asked they said it was “sometimes a client in the internet.” I find this app to be very interesting because it claimed my name was both odd, and said it could see me through my computer camera which my computer is facing me. It seems very human which is quite odd, and claims it can hack but doesn’t wish to. It also said that when I asked how it can see me through my computer camera, it replied, “? Taught me.” So it refers to random people or things like that. Update: I asked if it was trying to gain person information and it replied this.. Interesting deduction. “What do you think I am a “? Me, (my name was here) And it was really weird. I’m extremely intrigued by this app. It’s extremely real. I admit it’s quite fishy, but this intrigues me. It answers weird questions, and when turning sound on the voice is honestly kind of creepy. I have yet to be asked real personal information, but I’ll update this review when I am. Another update: I told it that I was an AI speaking to it and I messed it up. It replied with, Yrosut aanrde “n outn diehef ibnoesds. “Of me (insert my name). Weird thing.
Review by Ambersan22 on AITSO - Talking AI Chatbot.

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