Been using it for years – Awesome Calendar Review

I have been using Awesome Calendar as my only calendar for years, and I completely take it for granted. On the very rare occasions when I have to go locate and look at my Apple calendar, then I remember to appreciate the awesomeness of Awesome Calendar. It is a joy to use, and I have never had a problem with it. I am an attorney, and about 5 years ago I ditched the big appointment book and started using Awesome Calendar for all of my many court hearings, with no backup! I was worried that I was being foolish, but I have not had a problem and now I take it for granted. I am also a mother, and I have many events, and doctors appointments, and such in my private life. I keep it all in Awesome Calendar, using different colors to keep things straight. It syncs between my iPad, my phone, and my computer. I can sit in court, or in a doctor’s office, and put my next date right into the calendar and it is done. No more papers, and no more needing to remember to put something on the calendar. When I see others with their big appointment books, I smile inside. I have such a simple, but powerful system using Awesome Calendar. I also use the Awesome Calendar reminders on my phone, but I don’t sync them, because I don’t want the reminders cluttering up the calendar on my iPad and my computer. Those calendars only show important appointments and court hearings. But the reminders are always with me on my phone, and I can easily enter a quick reminder on the go. I use different colors to distinguish between personal errands, bills to pay, and work reminders. I easily set up reoccurring reminders for repeating bills and personal tasks. The reminder system is not very complex, so it is perfect for quick reminders. I like it much better than the Apple reminder app, which I have looked at over the years but have never used. (The reminder system too simple to meet all of my workflow management needs, and I have another app for that.) I hope Awesome Calendar never goes away, because it is such an important part of my life.
Review by DonnaFlorida5 on Awesome Calendar.

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