Burn That Brand-Loyalty Fellas! – Legacy 1Blocker Review

Deceptive. Pricing. How many times do you expect me to pay? (Apparently the answer is 3. 3 times. So far...) Up-front pricing > in-app purchase > repackaged as new app. We choose to live in the Apple ecosystem because we want a secure, transparent and positive end-user experience. With increasingly invasive ads and unscrupulous tracking methods growing by the day, I initially turned to this app based positive reviews and several endorsements from reputable Apple sites. Content and Ad Blockers are supposed to improve and clarify our experience while protecting our privacy. So, despite myriad cheaper (or free) alternatives, I gladly paid full price to support the Devs, without so much as a test-drive. Because it’s not an issue of money — but value — by finding a trustworthy ally in a sea of untrustworthy companies and marketers. So, when I was suddenly locked out of the “Premium” features I already paid for (because they are now an ‘in-app purchase’), I was upset. Then, they announced 1BlockerX, and I came to realize this won’t stop... they are not an ally. Asking loyal customers to buy the same app for a THIRD TIME? If you wanted $15, then charge $15! With great features, strong reviews, and early adoption, 1Blocker had a chance to be the Premier App in the category... All they had to do was TAKE CARE OF THE USERS. Corner the market, have good word-of-mouth, and slowly raise the price like every other high-quality product. Instead, they shot themselves in the foot by stabbing current customers in the back, punishing those of us foolish enough to buy-in early. Instead I (and many others) have moved on to Purify. Some things money can’t buy... And a reputation is one of them.
Review by thethomasboy on Legacy 1Blocker.

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