Horrible – Stitch Fix - Personal Styling Review

Short answer: Don’t bother downloading or give them credit card information. Long answer: I had done some research on a few different clothing delivery services. I tried a couple and thought I would give this one a try. I regret it horribly! So I took the time to fill out my profile. I told them what I liked and what I didn’t. I stated what I wear and what I don’t. I filled out every question. There’s even an option on the home page of the app to approve or disapprove various articles of clothing so the stylist can better learn your tastes. So after I did all of this and spent a good amount of time creating my profile and letting my stylist know what I like, i get my fix. So I’m very excited and open up my box. I felt so outraged. It was as if no one listened to anything I had said. I clearly stated I don’t wear leisure clothes like sweats. I just don’t. I get this gross awful pair of sweat shorts. Also patterns I distinctly remember disapproving of. The only thing in my whole box that I would have kept was so ridiculously priced I had to send it back. So I send everything back and a customer service specialist reached out. We chatted and they confused me to give a second shot. So I typed out a lengthy detailed message about what I want from the package and what I won’t accept. Now I patiently have to wait for the second fix to come in and see if they redeem themselves. So I have been waiting and today is the day. The emails and the app all confirm today was the day. I contacted a coworker and switched shifts with them so I could be home for it. I have had stuff go missing before and didn’t want to have to pay for a bunch of clothes if they were stolen. So I’m waiting and waiting and nothing. I check the app again to see if there were any alerts since I saw the mailman. Out of no where now my delivery date is pushed back another week with no explanation. To make matters worse I won’t even be in town since it’s now coming the day before my birthday. All in all stitchfix has not been able to get anything right. They didn’t listen to anything I have said and completely wasted my time and my money. I demand a full refund on my first styling fee and haven’t received it. I will not pay a styling fee if they stylist doesn’t even listen to what my style is. Horrible experience. Would never recommend. Save your money and your time.
Review by Glenncoco93 on Stitch Fix - Personal Styling.

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