Great idea but needs different dialects – 500+ Toddler Flashcards Review

I chose this app to purchase based on reviews and since they didn’t have a free one I’m kinda stuck with it. While my 2, almost 3, year old loves the pictures and the music I downloaded it to help with his speech therapy. The problem is there is only one dialect and it not close to United States English. The women’s voice is very pleasing and she speaks at just the right speed for young ears but the accent is British English. Some of the words just don’t line up with ours in the US and he has enough problems with his pronunciation (multi-lingual household) that we can’t use it with the sound on. We can however use it with the sound off and will continue to do so. Would be nice if there was a way to add Mom and Dads voices and maybe some extra pictures of family pets, grandparents, extended family, childs school, etc.
Review by Iflyu2 on 500+ Toddler Flashcards.

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