Storm and the dog catcher – Stray Dog Simulator Review

Storm's Parents Had Many Pups. But They had so many, they couldn't take care of all of them, so they Gave a few to their friends. All the puppies got homes, But There weren't enough. One pup was a husky named Storm. They abandoned her in the city. So She Lived on the streets. One day, a German shepherd about her age, met her, soon they bonded, As she grew older, she bonded with many other dogs. but one day, Storm went out to get some food from the garbage cans. She Saw one. LOADED WITH FOOD! Storm Was About To knock it over when--ARF! ARF! A Labrador Noticed Storm! It Wanted to FIGHT! They Were Biting each other like rabid wolves! But A Man Noticed Them Fighting. So He Called The Dog Catcher... When The Labrador Was Defeated. It Ran Away Howling. Awhoooooooooo! Soon, Storm Saw A Green Truck Heading Towards Her! IT WAS THE DOG CATCHER!!! Storm And Her Pack Ran Towards the dog catcher! They Pounced Onto Him. Attacking Him. "Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!"He Ran Away. He Was Too Scared To Capture Any Dog Again. And Storm Never Heard from the dog catcher again! THE END!
Review by beanieboowolf on Stray Dog Simulator.

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