Mind numbing game mechanics – Puzzle & Dragons (English) Review

SAVE YOUR STONES JOIN A PAD FORUM MAKE 3 ACCOUNTS DON’T USE STONES TO CONTINUE REINSTALL/REROLL UNTIL YOU GET A GREAT MONSTER (7stars) All new gamers make these mistakes. This is one of the few games that has withstood my impatience with freemiums. Its fast paced, had difficulty ranging from “Piece of cake” to “YOU SHALL NOT PASS” Gameplay is all over the place, because when you fight some of the harder bosses, there is secret tricks to beat them. (Ex: bosses have heavy armor that can only be broken by a 4 orb attack) Damage multipliers, skill awakenings, armor, and leader skills make this game a technical nightmare if you just “jump in” and meta shifts are random. Rainbow teams on month, Cross Meta the next, row damage, then combos higher than “x” teams next month... no one good team can crush this game. The major issues of the game is that you cannot buy experience points, until rank 50 cannot start unlocking hard dungeons, and there are no ENDLESS ANNIHILATION DUNGEONS. You can buy all the stamina you want (naturally) and stones to roll for rare monsters. 3 years playing and clearing stuff well for a F2P, still can’t clear all 30 dungeons for month long challenge... and My PET PEEVE: losers tips. When you lose shamefully, captain obvious swoops in with hints that are basically useless after rank 20... its a good thing I like matching colors
Review by Cosmic Bub on Puzzle & Dragons (English).

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