Solid game, give it a try – Jurassic World Alive Review

With the same principals of another certain Google Maps enhanced real time game, Jurassic World: Alive brings dinosaurs into OUR world. Players can roam their very own streets in search of undiscovered behemoths such as the well-known tyrannosaur to the lesser-known euoplocephalus. With the popularity of Pokémon GO, one has to realize that others will also use a similar format to create their own twist on the game. I enjoy the battle system and dinosaur animations and believe that you all have a solid game on hand. I live in the middle of a desert, so there aren't many things I can immediately do around me. I will make a suggestion. Perhaps it would be beneficial to increase the chance that a random dino will spawn in the player's path (meaning, if possible, to track which direction they are moving and spawn accordingly.) The phone will alert the player and they now have an activity to do as they are in motion. Of course we all want to catch more dinosaurs, so we go in the direction of the nearest spotted dino, but this added chance will help the player and keep them playing. On another note, I've noticed that something like an 'event' already exists in-game in the form of pay-to-play packages. How about this: an increased chance to find Rare or higher dinosaurs lurking around during certain periods of time. Like "a cluster of several rare dinosaurs are migrating your way--don't miss this chance to find one!" or "a pack of (rare dino) has been spotted in your area!" These messages can be in the form of notifications out and in-game. Players who don't go out much (or can't) can utilize these 'migrations' to continue playing the game at a good pace, and won't be discouraged from playing. That's my two cents. Thanks for reading.
Review by Tisa D on Jurassic World Alive.

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