Look developers I’m a venderán but let me just ask this one thing that could help this game – Call of Mini™ Infinity Review

Making a game is hard but here’s something that would bring more people in and not make them leave with the level cap and the amount of hackers like for one level cap at least put people with the same level like a level 1 with level 1 players and with the hackers why not add something called “REPORT BUTTON” it’s something that can ban people who calls themselves “PRO’S”when they really just hack to get every gun and maxed out and every armer and everything max and not all people are hackers but who’s a level 20-29 with maxed out gear unless you bout gems and which good for you but any who this game is not pay to win you can kill people with the first gun just aim for the head you’ll be golden but PLEASE JUST ADD A REPORT BUTTON IT’LL SAVE THIS GAME
Review by OOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL on Call of Mini™ Infinity.

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