Pretty good – Diner Dash Review

I used to play diner dash and all it’s sequels all the time when I was a kid, so I was pretty excited to see that it was a mobile game. Although I don’t LOVE how it’s become like every other modern mobile game (having to use energy to play a level, coins/cash, in app purchases etc) but I’m not mad about it because I still think the game is pretty fun. However, some levels are so challenging they’re nearly impossible... I get past them eventually, but it’s really annoying considering that half the reasons why the levels are so hard is because of the little things you have to do, like cleaning up spills or putting away delivery crates. I don’t mind some of these events happening because it provides a challenge, but they literally happen constantly. That along with the impossibly impatient customers (some come in immediately with half a heart, and give you no time to do anything when they’re seated) makes this game infuriating to play when it was originally made to be a simple and fun strategy time waster. I see that the app hasn’t been updated in two years, I think it could use a refresher.
Review by CosmicKittyCat on Diner Dash.

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