Downloaded again and leaving for good this time – - Goals & Habits Review

My complaint this time is that the app should have a private option. Even if you don't have any followers, your goals are still public and someone random is bound to stumble upon yours at some point. I did rack up a few followers and I thought it would be nice to have people propping me, cheering me on and encouraging me to keep checking into my goals. But that's all become an act. Followers and other random people alike just scroll through almost unconsciously giving props to people, not giving any kind of regard to what the check-in is. I could comment with something really celebratory or something I accomplished or something that makes me feel good, but are people commenting underneath and enjoying the moment with me and congratulating me? Nope, just inattentive propping. On the other hand, I could literally write a note on a check-in saying something like "I don't feel so good" and people would still either prop it or just ignore it. Giving props on there is like instead of saying something like "Hey, congrats on reading a book for 20 days straight", it feels more like "Oh hey, you completed a daily goal and let the public know. Let me get back to my business now". And when I check in to multiple goals within a short time span, they group together and the average person just props all of them at once rather than manually going in and propping each one. That leaves me to wonder what exactly they propped me for as it only says "props for __ recent check-ins"; they probably didn't even care regardless. That's what I really dislike. Sometimes people won't even prop me until I take the time to prop them. And usually as a result of that, they proceed to prop me almost non-stop, going down my list of check-ins tapping away. To see that abundant amount of notifications isn't encouraging; it's pretty annoying. Scrolling through and propping me back to back like that shows more apathy and no serious intention. So basically, the mindless and probably apathetic propping is not motivating at all. And I see there is no option to block users either. So that right there forces apathetic propping on me, which does nothing good for my spirits. And as a general note, the app is full of bugs. It often crashes when I try to put notes on my check-ins. I'll check one goal and it'll simultaneously check something else. Deleted users are still showing up in question feeds and people that follow me. Past notes show up when I try to write new ones. And even though I hate to check the notifications tab for reasons already specified, it'll say I have unread ones but yet often times nothing will show. So anyway, I have found an app that has the profile option of being private or public, so you've already been beaten. Good riddance,
Review by AHsinger4 on - Goals & Habits.

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