Clumsy, agitating, anxiety causing – Unify Lite Review

where's this evolving soundtrack? all i heard was the same plunky thunky blippy game music loop over & over. it actually made the game more agitating than the gameplay on its own would be. the gameplay is agitating enough. i don't understand gamers who like anxiety. if you're one of them, try this thing! i don't care for the "split your attention" concept, for starters. but maybe that's just my neurological issues. moreso, i greatly dislike the fiddly & "easy-to-unintentionally-mess-up-your-action" control concept. more predictably by design but still annoying is the huge jumps in spacial positioning for movement of pieces. why not do smooth rotation? i dont care for the simple graphics look, either. it's kind of like playing a retro-gaming themed game that's not advertised as BEING that genre... on a device that is capable of far more than cheesy, jumpy, low-res, solid colored squares & blippy gameboy-style kid cartoon music. gameboy tetris was soothing & mind training. this game is... well... agitating. the concept might work better if designed totally differently. this one isn't for me AND i find it to be poorly designed.
Review by dysamoria on Unify Lite.

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