Okay, but disappointed w/ ecosystem – AmpliTube Review

Another person switching to jamup pro here. It was nice to get started with iRig—the interface was ~$30-$40, & there’s a free version of the app. I had my gripes with in app purchases constantly (& even after getting paid version) but ok. I got an iPad and found that it’s a separate thing entirely and no in-app purchases carry over... okay, annoying, but okay—I guess (there are technical explanations/reasons for this). I look into getting some manner of controller to actually be able to use the effects while playing with others (without stopping to tap on my device with the hands I’m using to play guitar)... and it’s another $100+ ... when there are cheap controllers that work for jamup for ~$20... and jamup pro is only $12 and is the same on iPad and iPhone. Unless jamup is a total disaster later on for some reason I haven’t found yet (seems to work about the same as amplitube if not a little more intuitive) I don’t think I’ll be back to the iRig ecosystem. Why not just make the interface a little more expensive and sell a version of the app that is actually all inclusive and doesn’t pester users with in-app purchases IK?? That’s what I wanted in the first place. I guess they’re making money and maybe their gear is really good, I’m not sure—I’m just not ready throw in with a company that seems to be out to nickel and dime us...
Review by drew_petricc on AmpliTube.

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