Terrible Matchmaking, Terrible Teammates – Battle Bay Review

Here’s the cold hard truth. 95% of the time, the matchmaking is unfair in some way or form. Also, the players are beyond awful. Now everyone has their good and bad games but some people are just so extremely bad at the game that it just amazes me. You’d think the higher up in infamy you get, the better the players. WRONG! Doesn’t matter your infamy, always bad players. On top of all that, you got players that purposely drop or stay at lower infamy for easier fights and easier to farm guild quests. That also contributes to unfair matchmaking (devs something should be done about that). Overall, it’s a good game, but the lack of equalness is upsetting. Doesn’t matter how good you are, if your team don’t work together, you won’t win no matter what.
Review by Kittencatsugar on Battle Bay.

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