Laughable – Zombies Are Scared Of Plants Free Review

I was really bored while looking up the Plants vs Zombies franchise when I noticed all these knock off games based off of their idea. I thought I would give it a shot and see how the game design was executed. First, the front screen is weirdly designed and is pixelated, probably not a vector style I’m so used to. The game play is okay, it reminds me of a school project in college. Why is the background an ocean with the land being a graveyard? Why does the oceans color look like it’s in the daytime and the graveyard in the night time? Bad execution. The simulation mimics the Mario bros classic style, but the tasteless cycled animation on the characters is eye stinging. Overall, shook my head at this game.
Review by KrissyKun on Zombies Are Scared Of Plants Free.

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