Fun but cruel and glitchey – Jetpack Joyride Review

Sersiously I love your game but coustumes cost so much the hazmat suit I have been trying to get it for three and a half years I still haven’t got it I started at six years old you should get the hazmat head for 3000 and the suit for 1000 I know that’s cheap but you are to bad plus when it said wanna get a bomb or extra life it picked the extra life for me and when I past the freaking laser I died now I have 4000 now I have 4706 RIP OFF when I die on my gravestone it will say Demetrius lived to 140 but never got the hazmat suit at least give it for free if you watch 20 videos and the video advertisement should be unlimited no running out of vids I’m hopping mad at you FURIOUS ACTUALLY ?? no seriously I feel like I could say a bad word you have one job developers to make it fun not life challenging!
Review by B17G pilot on Jetpack Joyride.

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