HOOPLA APP REVIEW – hoopla Digital Review

I personally believe that the majority of apps that I use are very user friendly, I might be a bit bias due to the fact that I am an IT Professional. Let’s admit that most programmers usually bloat code while developing an application or use short cuts that really diminish a users experience. I have been enjoying hoopla now for about 3 months. I find the application very user friendly and the navigation of the application is simple. No one wants to fumble around through useless menus. There are a good selection of audiobooks , however , there needs to be more titles added. I find that the selection of investment audiobooks are really the same, very boring and mostly about the foolish so called “experts “ investors talking about diversifying your investments into some stock , some bonds and fix income vehicles all at the same time. Now that’s a recipe for big losses and it is utter foolishness. But enough about investing as the majority of every day people are so deeply in debt and over focused on tasks at work that investing doesn’t stand a chance in their lives. David DeVoe Esperance NY
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