Domestic violence and suicide! Horrible!! – NoStranger Review

This is a long review so just reading the first few sentences will do but reading the whole thing will be worth your time. A game about domestic violence and suicide. This game should be removed. He’s a abuser who mentally abuses you, lies to you and uses you to help him stalk a girl and he kills her family making her kill herself and then he commits suicide. There. Now you can choose to go download another game and save your time. Or download this one and be a supporter of domestic violence, stalking, and suicide. Yes I chose to spoil the game but a game that promotes this should come with a warning about the truth of what it is. Stalking and suicide is not a joke. Also I am reading all these reviews and this game is mentally unhealthy for people on a different level as well. I hope the developers read this and “care if someone jumps off a building” because in a sense mentally that is what it is doing to people. You have people on YouTube making tribute videos to this Adam character and crying because the conversation ended. It leads you on and at the end the character abandons you and commits suicide. Apparently the developers don’t care about mental health and how devastating this game is to people. If they do realize how much the game is affecting people in a negative way and mentally harming people they would discontinue the game. People aren’t taking this as just a game. They are connecting with a character and viewing him as a real person. As a developer you want to have the players immersed in the experience but to the point of causing mental anguish and harm to your players is ridiculous. It also is plain to see that the developers are also mental abusers as they fit the description of one completely. I think if you ask the developers if they cared if a person jumps off a building the answer is NO! As for me I didn’t connect with the character and I realize it is just a game but I also know how vulnerable people can be and I think this is a dangerous game the developers are playing. Pun intended. Also just because you put a warning at the beginning of a video doesn’t make you morally any less liable for the mental harm you are causing and pushing domestic violence, stalking and suicide. Also Incase anyone missed it he is mentally abusing you and using you as well.
Review by R-o-s-e on NoStranger.

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