Not satisfying at all. – GO PUSH THE RAGDOLL FALL : To Kill The Stickman Review

When I downloaded this game, I expected to have a ragdoll I could beat the living snuff out of until all my stress was gone. I imagined I’d have free control. Not so at all. The game requires you to make wagers using the in game currency against a computer player. You don’t start out with a lot either so you are counting on luck to keep you going. Each game you play costs you a wager, meaning you can’t just jump in at will and get stress relief on demand. Fortunately your money will increase on its own over time but this requires idling on the main menu. If you repeatedly lose wagers this can mean waiting for several minutes just for 5 seconds of play. As for the actual gameplay... You are given exactly two things you can barely control: height, and strength. I have yet to figure out what height actually affects. You control these things using a rapidly sliding arrow on a bar, by choosing to stop it at any time and hoping it lands at a good range on the bar. To win the wager (both yours and the computer’s) you have to inflict more pain on the ragdoll than the computer. You have zero control over this; you can only watch helplessly as your victim either hits or misses obstacles on the way down, which will dramatically affect your score. You literally cannot steer the victim in any way on the way down; you basically give them a shove and watch. Also, after each wager’s conclusion you are without warning thrown into a random ad you have no way of avoiding. Considering there is no premium version of this game, this is simply something you must endure if you want to keep playing. All in all, there are better games out there for stress relief and entertainment. This one’s mandatory wager system and near complete lack of control are more likely to increase your aggression than eliminate it. So save yourself the hyperventilation. A bonus note: The animation/mesh is unrefined. On at least two occasions I saw the victim collide with an obstacle and then expand all their limbs out infinitely which made them collide with the world plus the obstacles and then somehow get glitched out into a blank blue space to free float.
Review by Tmaro23325 on GO PUSH THE RAGDOLL FALL : To Kill The Stickman.

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