Not THE most customizable player – Podcast Player RSSRadio Review

It surprises me when people say things like that this is the most customizable podcast player available because it's certainly not. Overcast still wins in that. Download pods, no matter how old, choose the number you want downloaded, order played and viewed, smooth speed change and silence shortener (not elimination), sorted manual and smart playlists, locked RSS feeds, easy to move to different lists, auto delete after listening or simple delete if I change my mind, subscribe or pick and choose… Why am I cheating on Overcast and trying others? There's no Cloud storage for queued episodes or even notation to signify what's next unless I download. At last count I had some 50 pods with between 1-20 episodes queued, although I rarely queue more than 10 and generally stick to 3. The majority of my storage is my podcasts. This doesn't give me Cloud storage and it just cuts silence instead of shortening it. That's disturbing. Thanks for trying though, and keep trying.
Review by PhelineCat on Podcast Player RSSRadio.

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