Why bother? – Power Rangers: Legacy Wars Review

Nothing like having over powered characters, horrid character balance, micro transactions galore if you hope to even get anything other than the main MMPR characters, grinding hell, poor excuse for a fighting game. You don't need strategy. Just play as one of the several over powered characters such as the White Mystic Ranger (which many people are using now because of how over powered she is). Take a few minutes ago. 75% of my energy bar was wiped with two moves from the White Tiger MMPR Ranger. Does that sound fun and fair to you? Blocking? Generally useless. As some characters pummel you, you won't have the ability to block or fight back especially if you get cornered. You can literally lose over half your health before you even have a chance to fight back. But if they get any more moves in, you're likely toast. Micro transactions. You pay for the chance at gaining cards to help get you characters. You don't actually get to usually play them right away. You can spend $20 for a new character and still not get to play the character because you don't have all of the cards you need to play as them. So good luck. Character matching for a fight is poor. Some fights are so one sided it's stupid. You are limited to that characters few skills. And if they aren't good against who you're going against you rarely will win. There's a reason no one plays as Rito. He's just as useless as on the show. Alpha 5 is ok as a side character and many people use him. But as the main fighter no one uses him for a reason. In fact after countless fights I can't recall one time him or Rito have been used as main characters. The Megazord battles are no different. Most play as the MMPR Megazord even though there are other zords. Why? Because the MMPR Megazord is so over powered it essentially makes the other ones useless or pointless. Without massive grinding or wasting a ton of money you'll likely grow tired of the game quickly. The novelty will wear off quickly. My advice? Until they rebalance all of the characters, make getting new characters cheaper and easier, and come up with better match making...save yourself the money and aggravation and look elsewhere for now. But if you still insist on playing, welcome to grinding hell.
Review by whitetigergrowl on Power Rangers: Legacy Wars.

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