Hmmmmm? – Ghost Radar®: LEGACY Review

A few years back I downloaded this for the hell of it, not expecting anything. While using it, I was in the room with my cousin, and after a few it mentioned his name, “Robert” and “Grandpa”, that being because my Grandfather died in that house not that long before. Definitely gave me a bit of spooks. Recently downloaded it again about 3-4 years later just cause, and a few words have come up pertaining to my life. While at work, words pertaining to my work came up, and at home while working on my repertoire (I am a musician) words related to my music came up as well. I had thought about it, and there was nothing that could have influenced the app. I had not spoken any words, phrases or anything related that could be picked up by the app. Is it real? I don’t know, try it and find out (:
Review by Wackaflackaog4 on Ghost Radar®: LEGACY.

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