Pass-Code Problems – My Secret Diary Review

I would love to give this app a 5 star rating, however that means I would have had to first be able to functionally use it. I enjoy the concept and really just was looking for an equivalent to what I write in every day. So when I found this in the App Store it seems very simple plus passcode protected or so I thought. When you first click to go into the app it keeps reminding you on your first page of the diary that you need to create a passcode so I click the link or I go to the settings to do that so and it brings you to sort of like a combination page where there’s four sets of numbers and you have to choose a combo. I tried every which way and should click the done button and nothing ever happened. I’d start the app over and over and do this again and nothing. Is there a glitch or an I doing something wrong? Please can someone help me??? I DID redownload the app hoping for it to be fixed. We will see.
Review by Amanda Lalagos on My Secret Diary.

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Not Keeper Fan


Great app!

Stupid password