This Is My Favorite Game! – Minecraft Review

So my brother showed me Minecraft when I was around 3 or something? Anyways I loved this game since. I play it everyday! And just a quick question: Have they added the Natural Minecraft Songs that play when you play the game? Not the Minecraft parodies they make on YouTube, but the natural ones that play. If they did I can’t hear them, or maybe they didn’t add them. Anyways this is my absolute favorite game in the whole wide universe. If this game was not made, I would be so bored the whole day xD! But once again, I thank the developers and Notch for making this game. And another question: I’m not trying to be mean in any way but why did you make MC pocket edition like the PC? It’s not pocket edition anymore, and I’m kinda sad. But overall good game!
Review by MythiMoon on Minecraft.

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