Filling Chests... Like seriously??? – Minecraft Review

Ok so whenever I get to the point of building my house where I have to fill my chests, you have to tap the stack a bunch of times instead of just holding down and putting the whole stack in at once like we used to. YOU GUYS NEED TO BRING THAT BACK BECAUSE I AM SO MAD ABOUT IT!!! Also you guys should add more types of food and we should be able to place food like we do with cake. We should also be able to eat food without turning in the difficulty. My friends and I were trying to have a peaceful lunch and we all got blown up by a creeper. We should also have where on a world it generates buildings like in Console editions and PC editions. You could add more animals, food, an armor stand, pillows, couches, and more "home-like" objects. I think I speak for everyone who has Minecraft when I say that this will help your game and our happiness a lot. Peace out?✌️✌
Review by BlooperSports on Minecraft.

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