Great, Helpful App – Fight Club 5th Edition Review

A really great app, all you need to do is upload data or to make your own, but there IS support for this app out there and all you have to do is go to their Facebook page to find all the data you need. The only thing I say that could make this app better is if you could copy a character from here and make it into a PC or NPC on their Game Master 5 App. EDIT 2/20/2017 So I’ve had to lower the score on this app from 5 to 3 for a couple of things I’ve noticed while using it. The first is that there’s no way to manually make or delete a spell list in the the app, you can only download them from a xml file. However, if you accidentally downloaded something you didn’t want, say the Modern day stuff and have a Ghost in the Machine Warlock spell list, you can’t get rid of it, as far as I know, without resetting your whole compendium and redownloading it. Fine if you don’t use your own homebrew content, but if you do then you better live with that spell list or be prepared to manually write all that content back in. This is a problem with their GM version of the app as well. Speaking of writing the content back in, another thing wrong with the app is that there’s no way to export your compendium. Even if you send in an email which includes your data and you try to download that data and upload it into your compendium, it doesn’t work for some reason, even though it’s an xml file. Either way, this is a HUGE problem that needs to be fixed because people like me have already written their homebrew content into the compendium and I’d have to not only learn how to correctly write an XML file if I wanted to share it with my players, but also I’d then have to rewrite my content in that format. If it’s a copyright issue with their default compendium, I’d much rather they get rid of that compendium because there are multiple sources with much better in depth compendium ready for you. Another problem, also found in their GM app, is that a lot of things can’t be copied for some reason. In the GM app, it’s PCs and some NPCs can’t be copied into the compendium for some reason (absolutely stupid especially if you wanted to use a PC or NPC in another campaign). In this app, it’s a bunch of things, but the biggest one is that it doesn’t allow you to make a copy of your character’s Feats to be saved to the compendium. There’s really no reason for this feature to not be there, especially because whenever you backup your stuff to the cloud, it DOESN’T save the compendium. Speaking of which, why DOESN’T this app save your compendium? If something happens to my iPad and its backup data, that means all of my homebrew content needs to be put back into the compendium. Also, I have this app on my phone as well and will have to manually put in my homebrew content if i wanted to use it on there as well. My characters still retain homebrew content, but aside from items, I can’t just copy stuff like my Feats into the compendium. As for user problems, there are things like how come certain calculations, like weapon damage and whatnot are so restrictive? It allows you to deal 1 damage, 1d4-4d12 damage and that’s it, but they HAVE a calculator that you can use for other things like counter tracking and other weird modifications, but for some reason they don’t allow you to use the calculator for some things and that’s just stupid. If you have the calculator, just use it for any point in which the player needs to input a calculation so that non vanilla and future official content doesn’t need to be addressed so often. All in all, my biggest two issues are indeed the fact that you can’t export the compendium (as this also forces those who’re kind enough to provide us with XML files for homebrew content, Unearthed Arcana, etc... are forced to learn how to properly make a XML file rather than just write it into the app and then export it. This flaw also greatly decreases the number of people who can provide XML files.) and that the calculator isn’t used for more calculations. All in all, I still love the app, but it still has some pretty major flaws.
Review by xXD4RK1Xx on Fight Club 5th Edition.

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