In a word... – Letter Fridge Review

Lovely. It’s just like being a kid and sticking letters together to see if you can make words. I like the way the letters click in place. My favorite feature is the crossword-esque hint you get for the first word of each set. I like that it is challenging but doesn’t stress you out with time limits and points and stuff. But I’m starting to grow weary on the app because the rising levels seem no more difficult than the first. I love words. I want bigger, more profound words. I want fat, voluptuous letters pregnant with meaning. We seem to have hit the max at six letters. I mean no disrespect for the little words. They’re important. But I wish you’d throw out a whole mess of letters—even some quixotic Xs and Qs—and see how many letters we can stuff into a word. In fact, if you consider the adventure of big words, it would be really impressive to have a way to look up the meaning of words we happen to discover. Yes, I'm that much of a nerd. Please consider longer words. It is a lovely game. (6 letters.) Why not make it exquisite? (9 letters, just saying.)
Review by 2%ReducedFatMilk on Letter Fridge.

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