Don’t waste your time – HP-16C Programmable Calculator Review

Not only does “CHS” not work, but the values it computes are dead wrong. I set 8 WSIZE. 127 1 + gives -128, which is correct, but in decimal mode I did 127+ and it told me the (decimal) result was “-0”, which is impossible in 2’s complement. I asked it to display in hex, and it showed me 0xFF, which is -1. If I subtract 1, it tells me “-1”, but when I ask for the hex display, it showed me 0xFE, which is -2. Note that this is not a “1’s complement/2’s complement” error. There is a negative 0 in 1’s complement, and it is 0x80; positive 0 is 0x00. And if it were in 1’s complement, 0xFF would be -127. I can only assume that there are seriously deep errors in the code. This should be removed from the App Store, because it is dangerously buggy. If I could give it minus-one stars, I would.
Review by Supuflorous Flounder on HP-16C Programmable Calculator.

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