Not really much of a game – DEVICE 6 Review

It’s certainly stylish and well produced, but it’s not really much of a game in the end. There are only five actual puzzles to solve (there is no puzzle in the sixth chapter), and those range from “extremely simple” to “somewhat clever but annoying to navigate”. That’s the key here: the navigation consists of a huge amount of scrolling through text in all four directions, backwards and upside down, laid out by a design school dropout. An intelligent person can easily solve the five puzzles in less than hour, but that’s drawn out to two or even three hours by all of the scrolling and backtracking. It’s better to think of this “game” as a piece of interactive fiction or modern art — essentially “The Prisoner” meets “Alice in Wonderland” — and then let yourself experience it as such.
Review by Silverhammer on DEVICE 6.

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