Good game! But... – Soundtrack Attack - Steven Universe Rhythm Runner Review

But the game crashes way too much. One time, I turned up my brightness once when i was changing my clothes and it crashed. But that's about 20% of the time. The rest of the time this game is fun. Though it could turn somebody off if you one, don't like a strong challenge, this game gets very surprisingly hard for a free tv show game, and two, all of the songs are remixes of the show's soundtrack. Though the remixes aren't bad in my opinion. A nice positive in my opinion is that the character you play as is a customizable gem. The customization of your gem is extensive and dependent on how much currency you have earned from playing. In conclusion, this game is fun, i like the way the rythem game works and the customizable gem, though it has a clear flaw of having bugs causing crashes.
Review by ShadowTheLight on Soundtrack Attack - Steven Universe Rhythm Runner.

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Eh this game is okay
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Good game! But...