Hot garbage of a former great game – DRAGON QUEST VIII Review

How are they charging 20$ for this? It literally runs at 15 frames per second. This is the laziest port I’ve ever seen. This is worth no more than a buck or two to get the nastalgia fix for a few minutes. Pros: *the original game was great Cons: *portrait mode only. *Runs at 15 fps or less on a 2017 iPad Pro. *Replaced original beautiful soundtrack with a crappier midi Doppleganger. *20$ wasted. *unresponsive controls. Unfortunately there’s no chance they will ever come back and fix this, yet I guess they feel justified somehow to still take 20 dollars per person, who every single person will open the game up, I swear this, and say this is unplayable. Conclusion: This is a cash grab like selling paintings you accidentally spilled paint on and calling it a Jackson pollack.
Review by Shb10865 on DRAGON QUEST VIII.


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