Entertaining at the beginning, but frustrating at higher level – Puzzle & Dragons (English) Review

This game had an impelling mechanic with it when it first came out. I have been playing for about 2 years and the card-based game that requires you to solve a puzzle-type board in order to command them to attack will have you absorbed for many hours(With breaks due to a stamina gauge). However, I can tell Gung-ho is really running out of ideas and can’t bring the game back to its peak it once was at. Around the rank of 100+, you’ll find out that not even the best monsters you acquired will beat the appropriate dungeons at your level. It gets infuriating with the enemies that will ignore top damage, absorb certain element, cuts damage and so on. I have also notice the amount of monster and evolution release has been declining. This is a major problem since it is one of the main reason of what makes this game fun. Case in point, higher level gaming will be met with absurdity and general frustration that would lead you in either persevere or give up entirely. I acknowledge that there are also other people who believes this game has a high skill ceiling and requires dedication in order to have bring out the game’s fullest entertainment potential. Nevertheless, there is no real reason to force players to grind their mechanical skill max in order to have fun. Instead, Gung-Ho needs to add new mechanics, new monsters, and halt on the ridiculous, unbeatable enemies that will always leave you dumbfounded. I would give this game a 2.5/5 instead of a 2/5 since it is a bit exaggerated, but this game does have problems that negates the fun it is suppose to bring.
Review by BcnChzeBgr on Puzzle & Dragons (English).

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