Pathetic – Dawn of Titans: War Strategy Review

Alright, so, I loved this game. So much in fact, that I used a $100 iTunes gift card that I got for my birthday to buy Okosi....................they gave him to me at level 1. Are you seriously kidding me. You guys have the nerve to charge people $100 for a titan, and then you give it to us lvl 1? You are practically saying “oh hey guys thanks for the $100, but hey surprise! You’re going to have to lvl the 4 star titan you just spent $100 on from lvl 1. Have fun!” I bought okosi almost 4 months ago, have played with him frequently, and fused every 1,2 and 3 star titan I’ve come across into him, and he’s barely lvl 41. Come on guys. That’s like the 5 year old child who has a lemonade stand and the sign says “lemonade $5” you want to support the kid and help him make money, but you’re just not willing to spend $5 on a glass of lemonade that probably has way too much sugar. And yes I just compared you to children. Another issue (also a money scheme) is the relic forging. For example, to successfully forge a 3 star relic, you have to fuse 4 other 3 star relics into the relic you’re wanting to forge to get a “successful forge”. It’s pretty pathetic, and the game would be so much more successful if they didn’t practically force people to pay to upgrade titans, buildings, relics etc. because then people would say “hey, these guys aren’t greedy jacks who just want money. So I’m going to buy an upgrade to help improve so I can support them” I understand you guys make money, but you’re not tax collectors, and players would be SO much more willing to spend money if you made upgrading and such easier. Last but not least, is the events. They’re supposed to be events for everyone, but you get to about the 10th or 15th reward (literally right when the rewards are starting to get decent) and you’re stuck. You either have to pay around $100 total to progress to the last prize (I’ve never done it, just did some math) or you have to grind all day every day. Like I’m talking sit there and watch your portal stones regenerate and raid as soon as you have enough, then wait again, because that is literally how hard it is to get the items for the event before it ends. I got to a point where I would just log in to see what awesome new titans they released that I can only dream of having. Like I get it, you guys need money, but this game is a money vacuum. At least drop the occasional, heck even the very rare event exclusive relic to give a slight boost. All in all, DoT is strictly a pay to win game and quite frankly I’m done with it. And don’t let these half glass full numb skulls tell you otherwise because they haven’t played for a long enough time
Review by Hunthamonius95 on Dawn of Titans: War Strategy.

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