App interface is getting worse – Amazon Alexa Review

I use my Echo and Echo Dot only for streaming music (Spotify and Pandora). The iPhone screen lags way behind what’s actually playing in Pandora. Often, the screen suddenly tells me about stuff I can ask Alexa to do and there’s no obvious way to get back to the currently-playing screen. It feels as if Amazon only wants me to use Alexa to shop. If that’s what’s going on, fine, but I wish Amazon would say so. I would pay additional $$ to turn this back into a decent music-control system - like paying extra for the ad-free Kindle. I use only the phone app (and not the voice controls) because the voice controls are pathetic when trying to get the hardware to play particular classical or jazz pieces. Not surprising that Alexa isn’t good at that—What’s Amazon’s incentive to improve skills in that area?
Review by PDX skeptic on Amazon Alexa.

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Awkward UI

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