Nice App, But There Are A Few Minor Setbacks.... – Wallpapers for Harry Potter Review

I know most of my apps are rated like this, but I’ve noticed a lot like some other reviews, that there are only a few Ravenclaw pics, and mostly Gryffindor. And Hufflepuff only has 1! I’m a Ravenclaw-Hufflepuff mix, so I was kinda annoyed about this. Also,I was wondering if there would be more Luna pics? She was one of my favourite characters throughout the series, and probably most like me (besides Tonks). I’d love if we had more of her crazy pics too. ? My nickname is Luna after her, so I really liked her! Also, am I just missing it, or are there no pics of Tonks? She was one of my favorite characters, and I was devastated at what happened to her. I love her character so much, and I wish there were some pics of her included in there. And another thing, there were loads of pictures of just the actors. I know they played them, but I feel like it distracts us from the topic of the story. Ya know, draws more to Emma Watson than to Hermione Granger, Evanna Lynch than to Luna Lovegood, Daniel Radcliffe than to Harry Potter, etc. Some people may not mind, but it’s just me. ~Luna Marie
Review by Foxfeather13 on Wallpapers for Harry Potter.

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