Where is the iCloud save bug fix? – DRAGON QUEST VIII Review

I sent like 30 tickets to your customer support, called a dozen times, and was told that this bug would be fixed in a patch. Square Enix, it has been a year and a half since I called and I still cannot access my save file since I switched phones. This is ridiculous, I paid like $30 when this game came out and you can’t even program the cloud save system correctly? Maybe instead of doing your thing where you announce new games and then take 10 years to release them, you should start pouring more funds into Business Division 8–the division you overwork by making them juggle a billion phone games—so they can hire more programmers and fix these issues that you’re currently ignoring. Companies who make crappy little free to play titles patch game-breakingbugs faster than you do and you charge $15-$30 per title on iOS. This is sad. There is absolutely no accountability over there. What are you doing? You better respond. This is unacceptable.
Review by ibock on DRAGON QUEST VIII.


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