10/10 amazing ? – inShort Review

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Update: I would love to see some example charts pre-loaded for fictional companies, projects, or research flows. Also Please have a link somewhere in the app that can take me to a webpage with curated examples from the company and community. I feel like if I had the right inspiration from the community, I could get way more out of this app. Also, please make a YouTube video where I can follow along with the tutorial as someone is explaining it step by step. Based on the reviews I read from others, this app is having serious on-boarding issues, with low post download use retention. I’m quite frustrated myself, but I do see the potential in this app once I get over the learning curve, and for that I give this app 5 stars. Please just help myself and others get over this curve faster and I’ll talk to Apple and see if they can add a sixth star ? [end of update] ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ This app is hands down amazing. It has a high learning curve, and that learning curve has unfairly earned this app some bad reviews. This is a professional tool for professionals. Approach the app appropriately. Commit the time needed to learn how to take full advantage of this powerful app, otherwise don’t waste your time. I’m sorry but if this app is too complex for someone to understand, it’s not the apps fault, it’s that person’s fault not taking the time to learn something a little complicated. And it’s not complicated in a poorly design manner, rather it’s more like learning a new language... complex in that you can’t just pick it up and go, but once you get going, you are the master of the universe. The problem this app solves is all the things you cannot do with pen and paper when trying to diagram out workflows. Anyone can draw boxes and arrows on paper to organize ideas, but does your piece of paper let you tap on a box to reveal more boxes and arrows? Can your piece of paper let you see your diagram in a Gantt chart view? The answers to those questions and many more just like it is no. - Get this app if you want to chart out your entire business down to the smallest detail. - Get this app if you want to map out a user experience flow for a service connected app you are designing. - Get this app for researching all the steps on how to update your Facebook page, and even including the food you need to eat in order to have the energy to move your hand, to click the mouse, to interact with the computer, to add inputs into the web app etc. - DO NOT get this app if you are looking for a simple app to chart out simple flow diagrams. Save your self $6.99 and grab a piece of paper and a pen... and whatever you do, don’t complain after using the app; that you couldn’t make use of the app, because you didn’t want to take the time to learn how to use it ?
Review by Mr..Dessert on inShort.

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