Disorganized thawing instructions on website – Butterball Cookbook Plus Review

Your thawing instructions are poorly written. The first thing you ought to write is - keep turkey in original wrapper. Go read your thawing instructions. They are in the wrong order and repetitive. Bullet 3 is keep turkey in original wrapper which should be bullet number ONE! Who wrote those instructions? Keep it short and clear: Refrigerator thawing: 1. Keep turkey in original wrapper. 2. Place breast up on tray. 3. Refrigerate for X number of days per lb. 4. Etc. I mean, be systematic. Keep each instruction on its own line. We have a lot on our minds during the holiday season and the least helpful thing we need are rambling instructions that are out of order!! Thanks for reading, I hope you will improve the way instructions are written.
Review by Stinareddy on Butterball Cookbook Plus.

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