Not Good, But Getting Better – Mantis Bible Study Review

10.1.44 (11/11/17) • List Selection Okay, the List Selection only applies to verses. The 'app description' for 10.1.44 says this applies to books and chapters too. Clear that up. Secondly, make the List Selection another view option, not just underneath the verse boxes. Allow people to choose whether they want to see boxes or lists (for books and chapters too). • Navigation The Navigation feature at the bottom of the the screen is truly wonderful. It's quick, easy to use, and just makes sense. Everyone is used to an interface like this. However, screen size has been cropped. Maybe you're working on hiding this issue already, I don't know. *You need to build in code that allows the user to double-tap for full screen. This would fix two issues at once: the need for the bottom of the screen menu bar to disappear, and the ability that everyone wants: full screen. • Notes Options Finally, we still need to be able to access the function to quickly add notes (some pastors talk fast and by the time we get to the "marker" tab, it's too late), quickly add bookmarks, highlight, etc. We should be able to touch a verse number, bookmark it or add a note right there, and move on. • Final Thoughts Folks, the things people are complaining about or missing from the previous version of Mantis are what made this app one of the best Bible Study apps out there. It's disappointing that there was no warning about how drastically different this Mantis X would be, and, with it being so different, there was no tutorial or explanation about how to use the app. Keep working at it. Things are slowly getting better with the List Selection and Menu bar at the bottom. Keep listening to feedback. Thanks for reading. 10.0 (9/26/17) I have really enjoyed this app in the past. However, with this new X version, the user experience is not what it once was. Great aspects from the previous user interface are now gone such as: • Double-tapping for full screen, or even the option of full screen, • The ability to quickly access books, chapters, verses, and commentaries with the corner navigation (this was not amazing, and it had flaws, but at least it was fast), • Swiping for previous/next chapter, and • Chapter selection. Now, it takes significantly longer to access those references. You cannot quickly add notes, or bookmarks (not sure how to even do this now). The user interface is more complicated than before. A tutorial on how to use the app would be amazing (not that a Bible app should need one). Loading times are much longer, and there are hardly any settings options. The overall aesthetic is nice. But the unnecessary book colors really breaks the clean look. Honestly, the older version was fantastic compared to this. It was relatively fast, and simple to use, and navigation made sense. I would really like to see these issues addressed in the coming weeks.
Review by Nick7645 on Mantis Bible Study.

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