Can’t find agency list! – - Live Bus Map & Time Predictions Review

Had high hopes for a clean and simple NextBus app...but this app simply hangs (for me) when it first comes up saying “Error loading agency list...” There is nowhere else to go at that point so for me the app is useless. Suspect something in the NextBus api changed. Here’s hoping the Developer fixes this soon. Will be happy to rate again when it works! UPDATE: Agency list now loads, thanks. I think the core ideas of this app are what I am looking for, but there are a few issues or me. At first it was not clear why I only saw a limited number of routes in the tab bar across the top and could only browse a subset of the routes.. (figured that out by going into the setting). Then with my routes preselected I was still having issues selecting a route/tab (but granted, I have been seeing other apps have somewhat similar issues on iPad after iOS 11.) But probably most disconcerting (and something that could be easily fixed) is the stop-favorites prediction times do not show which bus is coming at what time... just the prediction times (some of my stops have multiple routes I ride).
Review by DudeWheresMyCloud? on - Live Bus Map & Time Predictions.

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Can’t find agency list!

Very useful

Crash master
The iPhone dev guy