Negative 5 Stars!!! – Virtual Regatta Offshore Review

So I want to give this 5 stars. The layout and UI of the app are pretty awesome. Easy to use and intuitive. The loss of stars comes in the in app purchases. Want all the sails for your boat? Costs extra. Want additional features for your boat? Costs extra. Map planning tools/waypoints? Costs extra. That extra cost ($20-25) is per LEG of each race! The add-one you purchase for the app do not apply to the entire app, just one LEG of a race. Not even the whole race!!! It also fluctuates, so it's not always the same $$$ for the same features. This is exorbitantly high. While the game in and of itself is high quality, those purchases will more than likely be a one time purchase for me. It would be more reasonable at $10 for the entire app. ***Update: now not only does it cost you a few bucks at the start of each race, it’s gonna cost you a few bucks each day to play to have access to features that used to be free like waypoint navigation or seeing the weather predictions. It seems “micro transactions” have warped every possible game known to man. For an 8 month race, this is just outrageous. The “Cards” implementation has ruined this game. There’s no way to actually be competitive unless you spend a few bucks a day.
Review by Acemedic on Virtual Regatta Offshore.

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Captain Frustry
captain Frustry