Dissapointing Changes – BaconReader for Reddit Review

I have always used BR for it's simplistic lay out, well they have done away with that and now the screen is an ever loving mess. Why are subreddit options no longer the default when doing a search? If I type in "Movies" I don't want the first five options I see to be six year old posts. So you have to go through yet another step to select a subreddit. The bottom of the screen is a mess with messaging tabs etc no longer being accesses via hidden sidebar. Hate that. And also, I can not even listen to music while using the app because the loud and intrusive adds that pop up will override your music app and stop your music forcing you to leave the app the reselect the play button. Some of that could potentially be overlooked if the app ran smoothly, which it doesn't. Always has errors when loading, randomly crashes, intrusive adds in every corner of the screen... I am not happy at all the with the previous slew of updates. They are far from improvements. Also, now you have to hold a comment in order for the reply/upvote/downvote/etc. to appear. This is far less intuitive than swipe the comment to the the left. Now I just find myself either accidently swapping posts or being annoyed to the point where I don’t want to upvote/reply to comments. I find myself using other mobile Reddit platforms increasingly more often. This app gets worse and worse with every update and I will be making the move to another platform permenantly if this trend continues.
Review by JK3169KJ on BaconReader for Reddit.

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